Son Number Two, not yet quite at the quarter century mark, age-wise, was about as excited and happy as he ever gets when he called us tonight. The concert was packed, with people standing along the walls. He just came off a nine-day gig with The Knights, a classical music orchestra that did a live video recording of pieces ranging from Shostakovich to Jimi Hendrix at(le) Poisson Rouge for Sony Classical records. He doesn't know when the video will come out.
Saturday, JACK leaves for Germany for a week and a half to make a sound recording of the Xenakis quartets and a Lachenmann piece. There are no live concerts planned this time over there, but they go back to England, Germany and Italy for a month starting next March.
I'm sorry I'm bragging. Son Number Two does not like me to do that. But I can't help myself; I'm so happy to see all those years of lessons and practicing paying off at such a young age.
Fabulous news. And you should be proud and unapologetic !
Yes no apologies proud papa- congratulations are in order!!
That's awesome! And I often think when reading of their success that you have every right to be proud that your investments of time, money, care and energy were so well-rewarded! Brag away, indeed!
That's amazing! I hope to catch JACK when they get to the University of Chicago or Northwestern again.
ok i came back lookin for a reassuring Obama post since the Obama camp told us yesterday that he is only 1-2% ahead - that the polls are skewed(?sp)wrong. so i guess i'll be holding my breath until wed.
Don't worry, rdl. The composite of all the polls still show Obama ahead by 8. I think he's got it. But, keep working.
Thanks for the reassurance; i just keep thinking tho that we shouldn't be working so hard for this- it should be a landslide!
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