Monday, October 11, 2010

Obed Report: Still Waiting

So, The Wife and I are in New York this week, awaiting the arrival of Grandson Number One, Obed Henry Otto. He was due October 1, but he is following the example of several relatives (not me) who tend to be late. Yesterday, we spent most of the day at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (yes, I, too, thought it was Botanical Gardens, because that would make sense, but it's not.) The weather was perfect yesterday and today.
Today, we went to Manhattan and walked around the Union Square area. The specific errand was to go to the Farmer's Market, but an added benefit to going anywhere in New York City is to watch the people. This is a libertarian's paradise. Anything goes, from a man, clothed only in a hat, shoes, socks and a placard (in front; nothing but the cool Manhattan breeze in the back) reminding people to remember Eric Williamson to a poor ex-(we hope)prostitute, just trying to get some donations in order to stay ex-. You don't know who Eric Williamson is? I didn't either, until I googled him and found these stories,here, here, and here.

The picture of the ex-prostitute flatters her. Forgive Crockhead for being cynical, but despite the man talking to her, business could not have been booming before she decided to rehabilitate herself. She probably needs better advertising. Maybe some flyers promoting a going-out-of-business sale would attract some better heeled customers.

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