We're on our way to Seoul for the traditional wedding of Number One Son. Our plane from Champaign was to leave this morning at 10:15, meaning we needed to get to the airport by 9:15. We were picking up NOS at his townhouse on the way to the airport, and, The Wife needed to pack his suitcoat,so we decided to give ourselves plenty of time by leaving home at 8:30.
Usually, I'm the clock police, but this morning, TW was pacing at 8:35, while I leisurely went to the bathroom, and checked the house for forgotten items, redeeming myself (at least in my eyes) by conveniently noticing the suitcase still on the floor in one of the bedrooms. TW was getting worried because several phone calls to NOS's house were getting no answer. When we got to NOS's townhouse, about 8:45, there was no immediate response to our knocking on the door. Pounding with increasing franticness eventually brought a sleepy-looking NOS to the door in his underwear. His alarm had malfunctioned and his phone hadn't rung loudly enough to wake him, but deciding that getting on our way was probably more important than giving him the full shot of recriminations that he deserved, we packed his suit coat, washed his dishes and tidied up for his new wife while he got dressed. I was not that worried because we had built in enough time that we were in no danger of missing our flight.
By 9:15, we were in the check-in line at our little airport, well ahead of the rest of our crockhead group. The rest of the group traveling with us are the Humble Philosopher/Carpenter (HPC for short;) his wife, BS (no explanation necessary); the youngest crockhead who is popularly referred to as Baby Milton (BM) and his wife, EIEIO.
We were on a small jet from Champaign to Detroit; everything was fine and on time, and, after paying $7.95 for internet access, I've been checking my email; checking in on my favorite blogs and reading Everlasting Flower. When everyone returns to the gate, I'll try to take a picture of our intrepid group and post it.
Awww, come on; you know you could have left a key under the mat, and I would have made sure NOS's dishes were done by the time you got home.
This made me laugh; a trip to San Diego once found my mother calling me at 2 a.m.; "are you up?!!!" The flight left at 7 or so, and she couldn't believe we weren't so excited that we couldn't sleep.
Great start!!
Thanks for the offer, gnight. Of course, since we've never met, for all I know you would have drunk all his beer and stolen his dirty dishes.
Thanks for the offer, gnight. Of course, since we've never met, for all I know you would have drunk all his beer and stolen his dirty dishes.
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